Why do you need to take an English test?

English tests such as IELTS,TOEFL,DUOLINGO, CELPIP, and many others are necessary for college/university admissions or visa applications to many countries like U.S.A, Canada, Australia. U.K, and many more.

We not only teach you English, but also how to learn English.

At PEN, we feel responsible to go above and beyond what our courses are designed for. Not only do you learn what that course intends to teach, but also you learn a lot more.

Instead of paying too much attention to strict rules or following unnecessary curriculum’s details, we focus on improving your actual skills. In English tests courses, you learn about the tests’ best strategies and techniques. However, your speaking, reading, listening, and writing skills improve as well for real-life situations.

How to Prepare for English Tests?

English tests, especially IELTS and TOEFL, need serious preparation. If your English skills are weak, taking IELTS or TOEFL courses may not help very much.

You should reach at least an intermediate level before you start your PRE-TEST (PRE-IELTS or PRE-TOEFL) courses.

1- Getting ready for English tests is not just about your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. 

2- You need to have ideas about many topics to be able to talk and write about them in the test.

3- You need to perform quickly so you do not miss answers in listening sections. 

4- Many sections of these tests need you to use multiple skills at the same time; that means, for example, you should be able to read while you are listening to a conversation, and at the same time, you must write the answer quickly. This is reading, listening, and writing at the same time. This is difficult for you if you have not practiced it before.

5- A lot of English learners who need to take IELTS or TOEFL think that there are techniques and strategies that can help them score high in these tests even if their English skills are weak. That’s not true. 

6- You need to improve your listening, reading, writing, and speaking first. Improving these skills means learning better words, correcting your grammar errors, getting more fluent, learning more ideas to write and speak about, and improving your speed and performance overall. This can be done through General English courses.

7- After that, you can take PRE-TEST courses to learn more academic vocabulary and improve your quality of performance.

8- Finally, learning those techniques and strategies in IELTS or TOEFL courses can help you score higher. 


Take our free assessment test to see if you can take your English test course right away or if you need other courses before that.